Foundation is an Anglican Christian community in Bristol. We are influenced by the Greenbelt Festival and alternative worship, as well as monastic and contemplative traditions. Questioning is embraced and people are encouraged to explore faith with a wide range of materials from literature to art, music and films and essays or speeches viewed through a lens of generous orthodoxy.
We are a "table church" which shares in the bread and wine of communion and is defined by our common life in the Body of Christ. We are a biblical community, in which scripture is prayerfully listened to and digested. We embrace open enquiry and imaginative dialogue, as we journey together in the Christian faith.
We are a congregation of Cotham Parish Church, Cotham. The ethos of our Sunday evening services is generally reflective, creative and liturgical, and is often followed by a drink and a chat. Music at the services ranges from Taize and Iona chants to recorded sounds including choral and classical works, contemporary artists such as Aretha Franklin and Bob Dylan, and ambient/post-rock.
We enjoy sharing food, drink and good company together.
e have a passion for encouraging Christian vocation and discerning God's call in our lives.

Foundation Values