Foundation is a Christian contemplative and radical community in Bristol, within the Anglican tradition. Our worship is shaped by ancient and contemporary sources, ranging from monastic and mystical traditions to tech-enabled experimental reflections. We also look to the Greenbelt festival for inspiration, and especially its emphasis on faith, arts and justice.

Foundation | Emerging Church | Bristol

Foundation | Emerging Church | Bristol

Foundation | Emerging Church | Bristol

Foundation | Emerging Church | Bristol

We meet for our Sunday evening service at 7.00pm at Cotham Parish Church, Bristol. The service is followed by conversation over drinks in our donation bar.
Each week, our services focus on one of our four core values (Contemplative, Socially Engaged, Inclusive and Creative).
On the first and third Sundays of each month the services are Rest ('Contemplative') and Table ('Inclusive'). These draw on ancient patterns of worship, taking inspiration from the Taize and Iona communities.
In other weeks our themes are Create/Pilgrimage ('Socially engaged'), and Create/Community ('Creative').
You are warmly invited to explore our website to discover our other activities and resources.
For more information contact Andy at foundation@cothamparishchurch.org
for more information