Foundation, sometimes in collaboration with other churches, gathers occasionally for a Big Service on Sunday evening, where we aim to provide a place of creative worship, using multimedia, a variety of musical genres, and both ancient and contemporary sources. We also often make use of poetry and personal reflections, and draw upon the contemplative tradition.
Big Services aim to engage with a biblical theme in imaginative ways, and often we share communion at these services or offer creative or contemplative prayer stations. After the service we may stay to share in a drink and a chat or move on to a local pub.
Our most recent Big Service was the Metal Mass, an exploration of light and darkness using rock music, film, silence and poetry, at which the Lord Bishop of Bristol led the mass. Previous Big Services include Forty Days, when we explored faith in the wilderness, drawing on songs from Johnny Cash as well as ambient tracks; Breathe, a Big Service celebrating Pentecost; and Babel, an imaginative re-telling and theological reflection on the story of the Tower of Babel.